Busy busy busy. Last night I got an interesting request. A woman is decorating her nursery in a light blue and brown rock and roll theme and wants me to do a sign for her new baby to match that theme! She sent me a photo of some of the nursery decor, and it is so cute! I messaged her back with some ideas and options, so hopefully I'll hearback from her tonight and be able to set up a custom listing in my store! I might be working on something new pretty quick here!
As far as the signs I have been working on, I just need to attach the ribbon with the cut outs to the sign board and that one will be ready to ship out! I'll make sure to post some photos of it after I take some tomorrow! I'd take them tonight, but it's already getting darker out! The photos always look the best when I use natural lighting and not the flash.
The two others I was working on are almost done too! I finished painting the letters mauve last night and added decorations in pink and mint today, and glued the letters to the signboard. The ribbons to hang them on are ready to be attached. I just want to add some detail to the signboards since they are fairly empty with the smaller thin letters instead of my usual size, and then add a coat of laquer to make them shine and last a long time! I should be able to get that all done tonight and post photos of those tomorrow too!
So I plan to have all three packed up and ready to ship out tomorrow! If I don't have the new rock and roll order by then, I'll just have to find something else to work on! Probably another sample I've been planning for my sister. Flowers!
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