Today was a good day. Or should I say yesterday since it's already past midnight? I delivered 3 different orders with a total of 4 items, so that was exciting! It's always nice to deliver something! Especially many somethings! It makes my work space seem so much less cluttered.
I did some work on making another sale today as well. I talked with someone about a rock and roll design in light blue and brown. Since I don't have a sample of it, I sketched it up and showed her photos of the materials I will use if she likes the design. She seemed very interested and said she plans to purchase it in about a week. I hope so! I'm very excited about that design! My sketch of it looks really promising!
I also got an inquiry from someone else about the possibility of doing a sign for her. She asked about different designs though, so we'll see what she has in mind! I gave several possibilities of themes I've been dreaming about. I'd love to do one of those themes! But of course I'd be happy to try anything she seemed interested in!
I have another potential sale from someone my husband works with. He and his wife are expecting a baby boy in a few months and they have decorated his nursery in a monkey theme. He was interested in the jungle animals sign, but I had another person who might be interested in a monkey sign,so I described my ideas to my husband to convey the message. It would be fun to try another new design!
Finally, the woman who purchased the ladybug sign has three other grandchildren and might want something for them in the future. She mentioned the possibility of getting something with all three of their names on it, so I'll have to start looking into options there!
So that's it as far as potential sales, but I have one other piece of good news! I have a cousin who works for the local community college and she offered to put up an advertisement for me on their employee e-mail bulletin board! I gave her a coupon code for their employees to show my support for their staff and hopefully bring in some business! She says they have over 2000 employees, so hopefully something will come of it!
And that is my lesson today in increasing sales! Make sure friends and relatives know about your venture and are supportive! Ask them to spread the word at work and with their friends! Maybe offer a friends and family discount, or a referral program to encourage word-of-mouth referrals. So far that has been a great deal of my business, and I'm hoping that is what keeps driving it!
Also, the BIGGEST piece of advice I have? After working in retail for 7 1/2 years and in customer service another 2 years, I have learned that providing great service is the absolute best way to work! Who wants to go back to a place where they received horrible service? Who would refer a friend to a place with terrible service?
More tomorrow! Maybe I'll actually take a day off since I have no orders I have to work on! A day off sounds wonderful!
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